for a GROUP TAKING A confianza asynchronous course TOGETHER

The information below is designed for school/district teams who are working on a Confianza asynchronous course as a team through multiple synchronous sessions. Please adapt the sequence and activities below to suit your specific needs.


Session 1 - MODULE A (UP TO 3 HOURS)

Come prepared to the first group session by having logged into the course. You would have received an email from Confianza with that information. Contact us at with any questions.

During your group meeting:

  • Everyone log in to the course and find Module A. Start with watching the course tour video that shows you around the course and what to expect. You may want to project the course on a screen and play the videos from one computer to reduce noise issues.

  • A1: Review the course objectives together, then have each person share what they would like to get out of the course. Here’s what my students need… I am hoping…

  • A2: Briefly look through the list of modules.

  • A3: First, review the list of resources provided. Then, decide if your team would like to download the tools in this section OR just refer to tools digitally.

    • Next, take some time to read the Mindset Check tool and then answer the questions on this tool. You may want to do a Think-Write-Pair-Share so that each person gets time to think about their answers for each question, then writes down their thoughts. Then pair up to share your answers and also listen to a parter’s thoughts.

    • After that, spend some time looking at the Action Cycle tool and the examples provided. The idea is to focus this course on a goal for yourself/your students. You will each need to create and upload your Action Cycle as an end-of-course product by Module D in this course. You only need to fill out ASK-ANALYZE-ASSESS unless you get time to implement your goal (then, you can fill out the final step, ASSESS). During this meeting, if you have time, spend some time individually discussing and writing down your goal and data for Step 1: ASK (1a: What is an issue that needs to be addressed that is within my/own sphere of influence? What is my/our goal? and 1b: What will success look like?) Then, continue on to Step 2: ANALYZE (2a, 2b and 2c). Get specific and, again, refer to the example Action Cycles if need be. By the end of the course, you will complete ACT (Step 3) and ASSESS (Step 4) if you have an opportunity to implement your goal.

  • A4: Review the FAQs and check out the links provided if you’d like to. If you have time, we suggest that your group moves ahead to the next module since Modules B and C are more content-rich and you can adjust your timing to make the most of your allotted time together.

Remember…this professional learning is all about YOU, YOUR TEAM and, ultimately, YOUR STUDENTS so please make it work for you.

Session 2 - MODULE B (UP TO 3 HOURS)

During your group meeting:

  • B1: Watch the mini-lesson video(s). Remember the Note Catcher from Module A if you’d like to use a graphic organizer while viewing. Make sure to spend time during and/or after the video summarizing what you learned and connecting any information to your goal-i.e. What concept or practice shared in the video is new to you or is something you were reminded of and want to remember?

  • B2: You’ll notice a lot of articles are listed. The idea is to choose topics that connect to your needs and not necessarily read all of them. As a group, take time to decide which 3-5 articles (or more!) you’ll collectively read in order to build and activate your background knowledge. You may decide to read them together OR to jigsaw them so that your group members can each read something different. It’s your choice! Remember the Note Catcher from Module A if you’d like to use a graphic organizer while reading. Feel free to utilize the group roles above if you’d like some structure when discussing the articles. Some questions you could use in your discussion include: Which text or texts connected to your personalized goal for this course? Why? How? What do you want to take with you?

  • B3: The Fieldwork Tool component of Confianza courses is the heart of applying what you’ve learned so far. Each course has two Fieldwork Tool opportunities—one in Module B and one in Module C. Review the tool in this module and then discuss how you will use this tool now during the meeting OR afterwards in your practice. You may need more information to engage with the tool, keeping in in that you need to make the tool work for you so that you can transfer the content from the course to your practice as soon as possible. Figure out a plan with your group to try out the tool in your unique context.

  • B4: Take advantage of our Padlet space for Module B to add additional reflections in writing. Alternatively, have each person share takeaways and next steps to move forward using oral language.


Session 3 - MODULE C (UP TO 3 HOURS)

Repeat of Session 2 but refer to Module C not Module B. If you run out of time, use the final session to wrap up any loose ends from this module. Like Module B, there is a lot of content to explore and you can go deep in order to get what you need to meet your individual goals!

The best professional learning happens after our time together…with students!

Session 4 - MODULE D (UP TO 3 HOURS)

This module will set your group members up for success by synthesizing what you’ve learned, what you’ve tried out and what you want to do next. Ultimately, at the end of the course, we want each educator to put into practice what they learned from our work together, including ideas from their colleagues. The Action Cycle will help structure your next steps.

In your group meeting:

  • D1: Take some time review what you wrote on your Action Cycle in Session 1 for Steps 1-2 (ASK and ANALYZE). Goals can change throughout the course, so adjust what you wrote as necessary. Then, feel free to use the Peer Feedback Protocol below to get support on your goal from your peers.

  • D2: Finalize your Action Cycle and upload it to the survey link provided. In the survey, you will provide feedback and your shifts in practice through the sentence stem: “I used to…but now I…” Write down your response in the survey as well as other information we ask form. Please also share your shifts using this “I used to…but now I…” prompt aloud, noting any other next steps or support you’d like moving forward. See if there are ways to collaborate to help each other!

  • D3: Consider the other resources provided including the Free Self-Assessment which includes additional resources! Also, feel free to check out Confianza’s social sites listed in this module as well. Thank you!