Confianza Social Justice ELL Students PD

Culturally Responsive Text Analysis

Review the importance of providing mirrors and windows that connect to the student diversity in your school. Discover a process and apply a set of field-tested tools for analyzing texts and accompanying instructional materials.

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The Social Justice Standards

Learn about Teaching Tolerance’s Social Justice Standards, a robust framework for integrating social justice practices into curriculum, leadership, and PD. Includes K-12 focus on Identity, Diversity, Justice and Action.

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Critical Conversations on Bias

Practice a protocol for interrupting harmful words and actions when working with students, staff, families, and the community. 

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Social Justice Curriculum Development

Through hands-on support, refine your curriculum maps and assessments to empower students through authentic, real-world learning experiences. Integrate the Social Justice Standards and materials from Teaching Tolerance.

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Assessment Makeovers to Reduce Bias

Review your existing assessments with an eye for equity. Implement a protocol for analyzing and addressing issues of fairness in your assessments to reduce cultural and linguistic bias so that all students can succeed.

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Literacy Starts with the Learner

Practice research-based, equity-minded techniques to help multilingual students activate and build on their background knowledge when interacting with texts across and disciplines. No learner is a “blank slate”.

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Developing Empathy for your Multilingual Learners

Planning for MLL Success

Discover ways to learn about and integrate multilingual students’ funds of knowledge into teaching and learning. Unpack research-based strategies for analyzing the factors impacting language learning, integrating linguistic and cultural aspects into any content classroom (in-person or remote), and honoring student identity. 

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Integrating All Language Domains

Teaching for MLL Success

Identify opportunities for students to read and write (the domains of literacy), and listen and speak (the domains of oracy) in any and all lessons. Review cross-content strategies for ensuring oracy and literacy across lessons, both for in-person and remote teaching, and plan for future instruction.

Implementing Language Supports

Discover research-based supports that can be layered into lessons to make academic language more accessible for students along the continuum of language development.

Partnering to Meet Multilingual Learner Needs

Reflect on what specific collaborative norms could be successful for your own partnerships and analyze components of effective teaming for multilingual learners

Confianza's Live Trainings are 1-1.5 hours long (based on your unique schedule) and include whole group modeling and learning, small breakout group support and the documentation of participants' next steps for classroom implementation.

Language Lens Guidebook


The LANGUAGE Lens for Content Classrooms, 2nd edition

This bestselling guidebook written by Confianza Founder and Director Sarah B. Ottow is a go-to for all educators, including teachers, support staff and instructional leadership. You will learn how to —

  • Celebrate Linguistic Diversity: Connect deeply with every student. Understand their unique linguistic backgrounds, making them feel seen and valued.

  • Strategies That Resonate: Move beyond textbook methods. Employ practices that enhance real-world communication skills, fostering genuine connections.

  • Drive Impact Beyond the Classroom: Encourage a sense of belonging. Shape students who are confident, expressive, and ready to face challenges head-on in academia and life.


Supporting ELLs During Remote Teaching
Language Lens 101
Planning with a Language Lens
Teaching with a Language Lens
Formative Assessment with a Language Lens
Summative Assessment with a Language Lens
Curriculum Design with a Language Lens
Collaboration with a Language Lens
Coaching with a Language Lens
Leading with a Language Lens
3 C’s for Supporting ELLs During COVID
Culturally Responsive Texts
The Action Cycle for Implementation
Remote Co-Teaching

Supporting ELLs During Remote Teaching
Culturally Responsive Text Protocol
Individualized Language Plans
Lesson Planning and Tuning
Unpacking Academic Language Demands
Oral Language/Discourse Strategies
Reading/Writing Across the Curriculum Strategies
Formative Language Assessment
Assessment Makeovers
Co-Teaching Norms and Strategies
Scaffolds for Language
Grouping Strategies
Program Development
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Curriculum Mapping (3 session minimum)
Observation and Feedback Coaching Cycles with Videos (3 session minimum)