How Clarity and Confidence Elevate Educators and Students

By Sarah B. Ottow

At Confianza, we know that when educators—teachers, coaches, administrators, and all who support learning gain clarity in their roles and build confidence in their practice, students thrive.

John Hattie’s latest research in Visible Learning: The Sequel (2023) reinforces this idea. His updated synthesis of over 2,100 meta-analyses reaffirms that teacher clarity and collective educator efficacy are among the strongest predictors of student success.

As we rebranded Confianza with our tagline “Leading with Confidence, Inspiring Educators, Supporting ALL Students,” we did so to reflect our belief that we have seen in action in the ten years of school transformation: strong, confident educators create stronger, more confident students.

Why Educator Clarity Matters

Hattie (2023) highlights teacher clarity as a key influence on student achievement, with a high effect size (0.75). When educators—whether in classrooms, coaching roles, or leadership positions—clearly communicate learning goals, success criteria, and instructional strategies, students engage more deeply and perform better.

At Confianza, we help build this clarity by:

  • Supporting educators to align content and language for multilingual learners.

  • Providing ready-to-use instructional frameworks that make learning goals explicit.

  • Helping school and district leaders define clear professional learning pathways for their teams.

The Power of Educator Confidence

While Hattie’s research shows that collective teacher efficacy (1.57 effect size) is one of the most powerful factors influencing student learning, we know this extends to all educators.

When leaders and coaches are confident in guiding instructional shifts, when teachers trust their ability to support all learners, and when support staff understand their role in student success, schools become stronger learning communities.

At Confianza, we foster confidence through:

  • Practical, time-saving professional learning that educators can apply immediately.

  • Coaching and leadership support to help teams implement new practices, embedding them in their existing curriculum and instruction without it being an add-on

  • Collaborative learning spaces where educators build trust in their own expertise.

Why This Matters Now

In today’s complex educational landscape, clarity and confidence are more important than ever. Schools need leaders who are prepared, teachers who feel supported, and students who see their own success as possible.

As we move forward with our rebranded mission, Confianza remains committed to ensuring that every educator has the tools, mindset, and belief to lead with clarity and confidence—because when educators flourish, all students thrive.

Explore our professional learning programs here:


  • Hattie, J. (2023). Visible Learning: The Sequel: A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement. Routledge.